
Also called the walking fish Axolotls are one of the most unique species of salamanders. They are considered the rarest as well because their availability is only confined to Mexico. Axolotls are basically enormous salamanders and stay inside the water most of the time of a day. What’s really unique about axolotls is that they don’t require undergoing a holistic process of metamorphosis at all. This means that they don’t have to develop physiologically through the various stages of development.

How Axolotls are different?

The entire process of metamorphosis of salamanders begins from the larval stage (gills present) until the final adult stage. Apart from Axolotls, all the other salamanders undergo this procedure of evolution. On the other end, Axolotls remain confined to their larval stage, breathing and passing their entire lives underwater.

Genesis of Axolotl

These fun-loving creatures are originally from Lake Xochimilco, located in Mexico. With increasing urbanization, axolotls have become an endangered species now.  Draining of the Xochimilco Lake, climatic change, and immense environmental pollution are the other factors making Axolotls imperiled. That’s why it has become imperative to ensure optimal Axolotl Care for everyone out there. The only way through which we can do is by fostering them as our home pets. They are quite easy to tame, hearty, and perhaps the most amiable amphibian to associate with.

Amazing Facts about Axolotls   

Really inquisitive about exploring some quirky bits of information about Axolotls? Then given below are some of the most amazing facts you didn’t know about this walking fish.

  • Native Xochimilcan residents would consider Axolotls as a delicacy before they became endangered.
  • Axolotls even have a wonderful capacity to regenerate their limbs after losing them.
  • Unlike other salamanders, Axolotls don’t develop eyelids or jutted out eyes.
  • Axolotls are denotatively known as water dogs. This is because of the two separate syllables into which the word Axolotl is divided. According to the biological terminology, ‘Alt’ means water whereas ‘axolotl’ means dog. So, if we conjoin these two syllables together, Axolotls can be literally termed as water dogs.

Axolotls are really large!  A grown-up Axolotl is close to 10 to 12 inches long. On the contrary, adult Axolotls are even longer, with a length varying between 6 to inches.

How to accommodate your Axolotls?

An adult Axolotl will thrive in a tank consisting of 10 gallons of water. In spite of this, it’s better to house it with a 20-gallon water tank. This is because adult Axolotls give off a lot of waste matters. Apart from that, make sure that you don’t let any other creatures share your axolotl’s habitat. You should also clean your Axolotl’s tank at continual intervals. Try to keep the tank filled as high as you can. Besides, follow some of the tips given below when accommodating your Axolotl.

Some worthwhile housing tips for your Axolotl

You can implement some of these tips given below when it comes to housing your Axolotl properly.

  • Try not to tackle your Axolotl unreasonably unless an emergent situation arises.
  • You should foster one Axolotl in one particular tank. Keeping multiple Axolotls means ending up in making them terribly fight between each other.
  • Make sure that there is a lid or hood on the top of your Axolotl’s tank. This is because your Axolotl tends to leap out of its aquarium frequently. Keeping a hood is a better option because a fan can be added later on. This will keep the water cool, especially during peak summers.

When it comes to feeding your Axolotl, it’s quite easy and simple. This is because these creatures survive on food items which fishes and other salamanders commonly eat. Hopefully, the write-up given above will help you to ensure the best AxolotlCare as well.

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