Health & Wellness

Women In Wellness: “Set boundaries And Stick To Them” With Rachel Evans


Do you realize the importance of building boundaries?

For the survival of any healthy relationship creation of boundaries that align with your values and sticking to them is essential.

Stand up for yourself

Time and again, you do the same thing. When you made a vow to yourself that you are going to say no explicitly, but you still got swayed by the request and said yes. Even if you were pressed for time, you still decided to take on that additional project at your place of work. Once again, you made a quick decision to save that relative of yours who has been on and off repeating the same blunder.

Time to say no

You may have been wondering about the reasons which make sticking to boundaries all the more tougher. You may be surprised to find that it is the presence of numerous elements in the equation, which makes the task tougher. It is the involvement of other people, which adds to the complexity. How you are going to be treated is dependent mainly on the way you teach people. 

Show courage

If you deviate from the usual course, then the other people may not even get the hang of it in the initial phase. Most people are scared to say the word no because they feel that word can create tension and even might offend others. When you introduce changes in the course, then other people may tend to resist. It is the nature of human beings to resist changes.

Invest less energy on people-pleasing

You have trained other individuals to respond in a specific way. Repetition is the key when you decide to go in for a new pattern. Keep in mind that in the process, you are retraining yourself too. Otherwise, you will tend to slip back into that old pattern of yours. 

Respect yourself

Boundaries tend to be difficult, especially for good-natured human beings. When you are an individual filled with compassion, then you will manage to fall into the trap of second chances. Who knows, you may even give into third or fourth chances. In the process, you may end up feeling frustrated and even miserable. 

Learn to communicate

You may feel exhausted because of the constant pressure you face for your desire to please people at all times. You may even feel a bit scared about the idea of standing up for yourself. You may have oodles of respect for those human beings who have zero tolerance for nonsensical stuff put up by others. They not only know how to communicate the word no, but they attain that objective with a lot of poise too. 

Drawing a fine line

Back in your childhood days, most of us may have been groomed to be kind to fellow human beings. However, somewhere down the line, you should learn how to draw a line. Learn to differentiate between the two words kindness and firmness. Otherwise, people may begin taking advantage of you. 

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