
Is there any chance that the baby foods in the US contain traces of toxic metals?

New studies have revealed that 95% of processed baby foods contain one or even more than one toxic heavy metals.

Testing conducted on baby foods

Baby foods that are purchased from the stores are convenient and easy for the parents. At the same time, they are nutritious too. Keep in mind that just as you exercise caution when you involve yourself in any kind of grocery shopping in the same way, you should be cautious while buying baby products. Some options may not be as healthy as others. 

Baby Foods

Presence of contaminants

According to a new study, there are high chances that the foods you buy for your baby contain traces of toxic metals such as lead and arsenic. The research was conducted on 168 baby foods. The objective was to determine the presence of heavy metals in such products. The tests were conducted to check traces of metals such as cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and lead. 

Neurotoxic harm

The research outlined that metals contaminated that ninety-five percent of the baby foods. Out of four baby foods, at least one consisted of all the above mentioned heavy metals. In total, one hundred and sixty-eight products were tested. Out of those only, nine baby foods did not contain any trace of the four metals.

Highest risk category

In the high-risk group of babies, foods are rice-based products and fruit juices. Rice contained in rice cereals, and puff snacks have the ability to absorb a common pesticide such as arsenic, which can multiply at a rapid rate. Seven infant rice bowls of cereal were tested. Out of them, four rice bowls of cereal had inorganic arsenic, which is an extremely toxic form. Carrots, as well as sweet potatoes, also are big offenders falling in this category.

Baby Foods

Substantial impact

Sixty-one brands and thirteen types of products were tested, and they included cereals, fruit juices, teething biscuits, and infant formula. The selection was made by the parents primarily, who acted as volunteers. They were requested to buy the most commonly used baby foods from the local stores in their neighborhood or online sites. 

Brief analysis

The leading offender among the medals was none other than lead. The close followers were cadmium and arsenic. Mercury was present in less than one-third of the foods. The lead was present at a staggering figure of 94%, whereas cadmium and arsenic appeared in three-quarters of the baby foods. 

Erosion of IQ

All the metals which were present in baby foods except for mercury are known to be carcinogens. They are known to cause severe damage to brain development within children. Prolonged exposure to these neurotoxic metals may pave the way for lowered IQ along with attention deficiency and learning and behavioral impacts. 

Make a smart decision

Parents may opt for safer alternative food options for their children. As the first foods, you can introduce barley, wheat, and oats based products. Babies require essential nutrients that are found in avocado and pureed vegetables. Exposure to these foods will assist in the development of their taste buds and may even lead to a significant reduction in food allergies.

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