Does Health & Wellness matter to you? Some of the days it might not be possible to devote a full hour to yoga, however, most days may allow, where you can invest ten to fifteen minutes of your life. This time can utilize to have your hips, hamstrings and back stretched. The areas mentioned are often considered the problem areas. You have to think of the sequence as one of a kind maintenance plan. All the yoga poses that have been briefly discussed below shall help in running smoothly while one gets full tune up. These are the top ten.
1. Standing bending towards the side
This kind of a yoga pose does wonders for tightening the back and lengthening a spine that has been compressed. If you are looking forward to Health & Wellness then all you have to do is stand tall and put the legs as well as feet together. Both the arms have to be reached straight up while you are inhaling. Right arm has to be lowered and left arm lengthened while you exhale.
2. Cobra/Up dog
If staying healthy is your true calling then you can practice opening the chest with the shoulder front so that better posture can be maintained. You have to begin by keeping your face down and head lifted slightly with hands sitting under shoulders. The toes have to be pointed ad as one exhales, the feet tops, as well as hands, have to be pressed.
3. Happy baby
You have to begin by lying on the back with big toes grabbed together. Along with the toes middle and the index fingers also have to be grabbed. The toes then have to be gently drawn with knees pulled in the direction of shoulders. Elbows must gently press kneed open.
4. Downward dog
You have to begin this pose in kneeling position where hands are under the shoulders and fingers are spread wide. This helps in stretching of the complete backside including Achilles, calves and hamstrings.
5. Crescent Lunge
When you are in a standing position both arms have to be stretched overhead and the right knee bent. This helps in lengthening the spinal column beside opening of hip flexors that are tight.
6. Cow
The exercise begins with the spine being kept in a long or neutral position. Then, the tailbone and heart have to be lifted so that a curve forms. It helps in maintaining spinal flexibility as well as relieving a back that is tight.
7. Cat
It is similar to the cow pose but the tailbone has to be tucked and the head crown has to be lowered. After this naval has to be drawn up to the spine. You get similar benefits with cat and cow poses.
8. Pigeon
This pose must begin in a position of a plank where the abdominals have to be tightened while right knee is pulled. This is a great stretch for the hip where lower back and hips are opened up.
9. Windshield wiper
This exercise has to begin with arms stretched and feet and knees flat. It helps in stretching the external hips besides the lower back. You get a relief from sciatica.
10. Yogi Squat
This is also known as the “youth pose” where the hip flexors are opened and the hip joint stays mobile. You shall remain mobile all your life.
Amazing benefits
Bodies affectionately respond to movements. Practicing the poses is amazing where Mind is cleared, Physically or Mentally Fit and becomes receptive to messages as well as positive ideas.