Editors' Take

The Cult of Homework

Homework for students today is the norm at all levels of learning. It is a culture that has been inherited over the years. Today, every child in America has something to do after class. There are a number of assignments to do and it’s not just a few of them. It is indeed a huge burden for many of them who don’t have the time to work on each one of them. For that reason, some resolve to use do my homework services to deal with the workload on their desk. This is probably happening because most of the parents and teachers in American today used to do the same thing.

Even with the devastating effects of “uncontrolled” homework assignments, students continue to deal with this workload, which has been piling a lot of pressure on them. Other than the assignments, students have to deal with stress and less free time for doing other equally important things in their lives. This has been a concern throughout America. Maryanne from California says, “My child never gets enough free time to herself. There is a lot to work in her study room than she can bear at times. It feels like there is no difference between home and school.” This is just to get you a picture of how the situation has been in the whole of America.

Damaging Effects of the Homework Cult

There is no doubt that homework for the American child has had more harm than good at all fronts. It is burdensome for learners and deprives them of quality time with family and friends. Managing all these assignments has been stressful to many but since it became a culture, Americans seemed to have gotten used to it. This is more especially considering that most of the American population has gone through the same pressure to deliver on assignments and homework.

Ideally, the amount of homework given to students at different levels of learning has been unbearable and impractical. If students were to do everything on their desk, then they wouldn’t have time to do anything else. They have had to deal with stress because there is always too much to do in less time. When compared with other parts of the world, the American homework culture didn’t seem to bear any significant benefits. Other students from different parts of the world have been found to outperform those from the United States. This has made many conclude that homework doesn’t really help especially in the way that it is conducted in America.

The disconnect between homework and performance has been a worrying concern for many people with some advocating for change. Speaking in this matter, John Mark from Los Angeles said, “We all know that homework is a big burden for our students and there is little gain they are getting from it. Even if it was a must, then it should be in a way that allows the student to do their own study and engage in other life activities as well.” These sentiments were shared by many other parents who felt that homework was weighing too much in their children,

Dealing with Mounting Pressure from Homework

The problem of homework has long been introduced in the education system. There are very many tests, assignments and exams that one has to undertake to progress on with their education. In an effort to find answers to their existing challenges, students invest their time and money to get online writing help with their assignments. “Sometimes, homework takes a lot of time for students leaving with none left for them to read on their own”, says Lee Brian from Texas. For him, it is a rat race – doing one assignment after another. “These assignments don’t seem to end and the objectives sometimes are not clear,” he continues to express his concerns.

Homework has become a cult over the years with institutions feeling the pressure to keep up with them just like everyone else. A number of American states have been looking for solutions to beat this problem but not all have succeeded in doing so. It calls for the input of all stakeholders and interested parties to push for reforms and come up with the right policy implementation on students’ welfare.

Hillsburg in California is one district that has succeeded in changing the situation. In this suburb, there is a middle school and three elementary schools that worked together with parents and teachers to develop a homework policy around this issue. The objective was to leave students with more unscheduled time so that they can use it for family or get time of their own to play and socialize with friends. This policy was rolled out in mid-2017 whose emphasis was on making homework meaningful. It further put a ban on due dates for assignments falling on a day after a break or the weekend.

Such adjustments as made by Hillsburg community have never been smooth since they too have had their own challenges. It can get bumpy at times especially on making the policy sink in the minds of teachers. It was not easy for teachers who were used the old way intense homework for more than 25 years. To leave students with little but meaningful or without homework at all was a new thing to them. From this case study, students recorded significant changes and were less stressed than before. Parents, on the other hand, saw the benefits of having their children during their free time after doing the manageable homework issued out by their teachers.

Final Thoughts

Doing homework is part of learning. However, there should be a balance in order to help learners manage their life normally without piling pressure on them. In America today, homework has been like a cult and everybody seemed to be swinging in the wave until recent times when some people have raised concerns over this persistent homework culture. Well, it is evident that there isn’t much of academic advantage that students get by working on a lot of assignments – opponents to this cult believe there is a better way to do it. This is by instilling the use or practical, meaningful and manageable homework for students!


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